It's great to know that you're looking to register with us. We're on the preferred supplier
list of many of the City's leading banking and finance houses, so we're looking forward
to seeing if we can help you open doors into some of the capital's most dynamic companies.
Registration with us is simple. You can even start the process on-line. Recruitment is a
two-way street: you most likely know by now what you can deliver. And you want to confirm
your impressions to see if we can too.
When a meeting is appropriate, this is what will happen:
You will meet one of our highly experienced consultants. Although professional and
extremely thorough, their interview style is typically informal and relaxed. Remember,
we're on your side, so it's not in our interests to make you nervous or uncomfortable.
It's our aim that you leave our time together reassured and having enjoyed the exchange.
We'll get to know one another, discussing your background and your aspirations. We'll
then give you an idea of how we'll go forward and when you can realistically expect us
to call you with an opportunity you'll think is worth considering.
We'll ask you to complete relevant forms in relation to registering, references etc.
We'll get you to run through some electronic assessment tools so that we can verify your
skills levels.
We'll ask for your permission to check your references.
What you should bring with you?
An up-to-date CV (unless, of course, we've already got it).
Some ID (passport or photo driving license) verifying your eligibility to work.
(The original) work permits/visas if relevant.
Reference details - make sure they cover your last three jobs, your last five years
of work experience, or written reference letters on work you've completed abroad.
What you can expect from us?
Our services exist to help you secure the strongest positions your skills, interests and
experience merit. So we're delighted that you're looking to use Barbara Houghton Associates
to maximise your prospects in London's banking and finance sector. Our dedicated teams of
consultants are committed to giving you the level of service you expect and more, including:
Opportunities with some of the City's most celebrated banking and finance companies.
A comprehensive brief before you begin your placement, informing you about dress-code,
company culture, travel details and what's expected of you.
Advise on the levels of pay your skills and experience deserve.
On-the-job feedback for temporary workers.
Our commitment to you for as long as you need it.
We have some professionals who have been using Barbara Houghton Associates since we started
back in 1988 - some of whom have never received a placement from anyone else but us. We're
committed to finding the kind of placements you'll value highly.
Whenever you see a job on our website, or we notify you of a placement you might be
interested in, it's a live job, with a real client who's actually expecting us to fill
their position for them. We don't make them up to make us look good. Ever.
We'll always give you an honest assessment of your value in the marketplace, as well
as a realistic idea of when you can expect us to find you work. More importantly,
whenever we say we'll put your name forward to a company for consideration, we will.
We've got such a great reputation in our industry. We're the preferred supplier for
some of the world's leading banks and financial companies in London. That's because they
trust us to deliver which is why we enjoy long-standing relationships with them and can
look forward to introducing you to some of our most well-established contacts.
We'd like to keep in touch, if that suits you. We're simply keen to ensure you get all the
support and information whenever you need it, before and after placements. So whenever your
plans and aspirations may change, we're up-to-speed and ready to respond.